Dental Sealant Treatment
Dental Sealant Treatment Protevtive Shield Coat Over Teeth Surfaces Preventing Oral Cavities. Dental sealants are thin layers of coatings painted over the chewing surfaces or grooves of posterior molar teeth. Sealants protect the pits and fissures (tiny grooves and depressions) of teeth where plaque commonly accumulates. It is done as preventive dentistry to prevent tooth cavities.
Benefits of Dental Sealants
Sealants can effectively prevent cavities and carious lesions for chidlren and adults molars. It can also minimize the progression of initial lesions of the tooth that has sealant application.
Dental Sealants Treatment
During an annual check, your dentist normally does routine professional teeth cleaning and possible fluoride treatment. Dental sealants on molar teeth is also commonly recommended as a general or preventive dental treatment if you have not received them as a child. Pediatric dentists normally placed teeth sealants over permanent teeth to prevent plaque buildup and reduce the possibility of teeth decay.
Although teeth sealant may not be a mandatory oral treatment, but has been shown to provide benefits within clinical studies. Based on the resources on Central Disease Control (CDC), 9 in 10 cavities occur on the permanent back teeth of children. With dental sealant treatment, teeth are protected against 80% of cavities for 2 years and continue to protect against 50% of cavities for up to 4 years. Tooth sealants can therefore reduce the need for costly and invasive treatments like dental fillings or crowns.
Most individiual apply sealants around the age 6 years or when 1st molars erupt.
Sealant Dental Treatment
Application of teeth sealants is quick, easy, and painless way. It is completed in one visit.

Clean the pits and fissures of specific molar teeth. Apply etchant to enamel
surfaces to be sealed.

Thoroughly rinse teeth to remove etchant. Thereafter dry the etched surfaces.

Apply the dental sealants into pits and fissures of the molar tooth.

Light cure to harden the coatinng over the chewing surface.
Teeth Sealants Faqs
How long will dental sealants lasts?
Teeth sealants have shown to still be effective 9 years after placement. They do however sometimes fall off or wear off. A check with your dentist during bi-annual dental checks will determine if they need replacement. If a tooth loses a sealant, the protective shield is not longer there and needs to be re-done. Source : Dental Sealant FAQs | Center of Disease Control (CDC)
Should I ask my dentist to put sealant for my child? When can they get sealant?
Yes. You should cosult to have your family dentist or your child’s pediatric dentist do dental sealants to prevent the cavities.
Tooth sealants are normally applied as soon as permanent molars come into the mouth at the age 6 for first molars and age 12 for second molars.
Do adults need teeth sealants?
Adults should get dental sealants if possible because of the likelihood of developing teeth caries in the grooves of the premolars and molars. Teeth sealant reduces your risks for cavities. Children and teenagers are the major group of candidates for dental sealants. However, adults without decay or fillings in their molars can also benefit from sealants.
Is tooth sealants safe?
Based on studies, dental sealants do contain a small amount of bisphenol A (BPA) that is a chemical present in plastics. Exposure to BPA may occurs a few hours after dental treatment placement. Current scientific evidence by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA) both suggests and report that the amount of BPA in dental sealants is so low that it is not harmful and there is no dangers from this low-level exposure.
Dental sealants reactions are extremely rare, the main considration will be if you or your child has an allergy to BPA or plastics.If you do have any allergies, please do always highlight this to your dentist before the start of any dental treatment.
In summary and general consensus by most dental organizations and amongst dentists is that the benefits of dental sealant do outweigh its risks. It has proven to be safe, effective and reduces or prevents risks of caviities.
Source : BPA in dental sealants safe | ADA News